Better Burma Podcasts

Our mission to support critical dialog and discussion at a time when free speech and conventional journalism are under attack.

From the moment that the Burmese military’s tanks started rolling into the streets, we here at Insight Myanmar Podcast knew we had to act. In the weeks and months that followed, we transformed our podcast programming, essays and blogs to fill the gaping holes in most mainstream media coverage, and give Burmese voices a direct outlet to the world.

Our interviews go beyond simple sound bites or short summaries, and delve into longform discussions to allow the stories of our guests to unfold in detail. They are asked to speak extensively about their background, experiences, and perspectives to better educate and inform our listener base.

We continue to be committed to bringing a wide and diverse range of authentic voices—artists, political activists, and others, from all different religious and ethnic backgrounds—to listeners around the world.

Check out the Insight Myanmar Podcast Blog, and listen to our most recent episode, below!

In addition to our English-language podcasts on Insight Myanmar, we are also proud to bring three Burmese-language channels as well:

  • Myanmar Revolutionary Tales: Longform interviews with democracy activists, leaders, authors, and other guests tackling important issues regarding the resistance movement and the post-Tatmadaw society now working to be built.

  • Dark Era of Burma: A narrative form of storytelling which presents thematic episodes on specialized topics from contrasting perspectives.

  • Myanmar Women, Peace, and Security: A podcast collective which examines such issues as gender equality and human rights while also delving into analyses and commentary on current events.

Better Burma Blog

To get an idea of all the humanitarian projects that we manage across Myanmar, visit our Better Burma Blog. We regularly update this with information on recent projects as well as groups and missions we are trying to support.